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May 5, 2016

Moving with Your Pets

How to help your pet adjust to a new home Moving is one of the most stressful situations you’ll ever have to deal with. In fact, some people may even start feeling the weight of the situation from the moment the decision is made. While this may be a tough time for you and your family, it’s important that you remember how the move will affect your pets as well. The major difference is that our furry friends won’t be able to talk about or completely understand the negative emotions they may be feeling. This is exactly why you need to take a more proactive approach if you want to help your pets handle the stress of the move and adjust to their new home. Here’s how: Stay calm and relaxed. While your pet may not understand the words you’re saying, he does understand the energy and emotion you’re letting out. This includes feelings of anxiety, guilt, and other negative emotions commonly associated with moving. So, the very first step to helping your pet adjust to the move is to not feel so bad about it yourself. Instead, focus on the bright side of things. Think of the move as a wonderful chance to start over, discover new horizons, and live an exciting new life. Your pet will soon pick up on this positive energy and will also treat the move with the same sense of zeal and excitement. Stay consistent. As much as possible, stick to the routines that your pet is used to. If he’s used to being fed at seven in the morning, then keep feeding him at that time after the move. Other activities include playtime, walks, doggy doors, litter boxes, and bed time. Keeping old routines will help pets feel more at home and will help ease their anxiety by letting them know that a lot of things are staying the same. Bring their favorite stuff. While it may be tempting to buy your pet a new set of toys to celebrate the new move, it’s highly recommended that you stay your hand. Now is definitely not the time to bring in new stuff. Instead, bring with you his favorite toys, crate, bed, pillows, food, and dishes. As an added bonus, you could also leave them in places similar to where they were before the move. For example, if your pet is used to eating in the dining room with you, place his food dish in your new home’s dining room as well.

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