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March 14, 2016

Top Tips for Relocating on a Budget

home-for-sale-signAny move can be a difficult, stressful, and costly process. But why is it so complicated? Well, aside from the significant hassle and costs, moving will require you to reacquaint yourself with a new living environment, build relationships in a new community, and become proficient with a new job. Each of which wouldn’t be so bad individually. However, a new move will require you to handle all of these issues at the same time. So, to help ease the transition for you, we’ve compiled a short list of proven tips that should help you relocate your life while on a budget. Lighten your load. To put it simply, this tip involves only one thing: getting rid of some stuff. While this may seem like a very obvious tip, a lot of people still neglect it. Always remember that relocating can be made so much easier if you have fewer things to move in the first place. What’s even better is the fact that following this tip could even help you earn a little money on the side. While decluttering your home, don’t just throw away the unneeded stuff. Instead, take some time to carefully think about the potential usefulness that can still come out of every item. As the saying goes after all, “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” So, pile up the stuff you don’t need and put them up for sale well before the date of the actual move. Unwanted sweaters hiding in your closet, kitchen appliances given to you on the day of your wedding, and old electronics you might no longer need, all of these items can still earn you a pretty penny which could help lighten your moving expenses. Ask for help. Everyone knows that moving can be a very difficult task, so don’t be afraid to ask for some well needed help from family and friends. Of course, you could also seek (and should definitely consider) professional help, but since this is a list of budget-friendly tips, we’ll forego the experts for now. Additionally, if your main reason for moving is your job, then you may want to ask your employer for relocation benefits or any other assistance he may have to offer. Many large corporations even purposely develop good relations with moving companies, so that they can offer better financial benefits for employees that they need to relocate. Never pre-terminate your lease. If you’re currently bound by a lease contract, always avoid pre-terminating it. Breaking the contract early can have various repercussions, depending on the circumstances of each case. These consequences include, but are not limited to, losing your security deposit and advance rentals, and paying rent for the remaining period of the lease. Sources: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/11/20/8-tips-for-a-successful-job-relocation/#2fb58ac4225b http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/institute/a23935/3-top-moving-tips/ http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/money/advice/a19287/budget-friendly-moving-tips/ http://andthenwesaved.com/relocating-tips/

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