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September 27, 2016

Why Are School Districts Important in Buying a Home?

There are plenty of good reasons to choose a home that’s close to a school district. Some of these reasons are fairly obvious, while others will probably require a more discerning eye. Let’s start with the obvious. Living near a school district is preferable for families who have young children. Whether the parents want to send their child to a private school or public school, all of them have only one goal in mind: to give their little one the very best education that they can. It is generally agreed that the quality of a school district is strongly related to the quality of schools within that area. On the other hand, the quality of a particular school is strongly related to the overall performance of its students. In other words, if you want to gauge how good a school district is, you’ll have to consider the overall performance of the students that go there. Another factor to keep in mind is the budget allocated for each school. The larger the budget that a school has for its students, the more likely it will be that it has high-quality teachers, classrooms and equipment. Aside from the potential benefits to education and convenience, living near a school district can also affect the resale value of your home. Because of this, homes near school districts can also be very attractive to house hunters in general. Single individuals and couples without children may want to invest in the future by purchasing one of these prime lots. Even if they ultimately remain childless, the consistent demand and limited supply of real estate within these areas will definitely make the purchase worthwhile. So, if you plan on moving in the future, you can set a better price for your home, if you decide to sell it. Moreover, better resale value also means better stability. You can’t consider buying a house in a run-down neighborhood as a step forward to giving your family a stable home. And if it’s not a step forward, then can you really call it a good investment? Of course not! That’s exactly why you should invest in stable neighborhoods like those near a school district if you want a stable home and safe investment. But there is one potential downside that you may want to take into account: property taxes. If you live in a place with quality public schools nearby, property taxes also tend to be higher. While this can easily be offset by the increased resale value of your home, it’s definitely one of the factors that you need to consider before making such a big investment. With all that said, it should now be crystal clear as to why you should consider investing in a home near a school district. Your bank account may take a significant hit, but it definitely makes up for it by giving you easy access to quality education, better resale value and superior stability.  

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