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October 9, 2015

Tips for Back to School Home Buying

Autumn is a time of transition. It transitions between summer’s heat and the cooler temperatures associated with winter. It marks the beginning of a new school year for teachers, students, and their families. For many families in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, autumn is the perfect time to buy a new home. Along with backpacks, new lunchboxes, pencils, notebooks, and other school supplies, many families are adding a new home to their shopping lists. Schools have always been linked to the real estate market. Look at homes for sale on any site like Realtor or Zillow and you’ll see indicators about the schools in the area. As a parent, you want your child to attend the best school possible. Sometimes that requires moving into a new home. Many neighborhoods in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have homes ready for you to buy so that all you have to do is turn the key and move in, but if none of those suit your family’s needs then you can arrange to have a home custom built. Trulia Inc., a national real-estate services company, agrees that the quality of schools make a difference when it comes to deciding where to buy a new home, especially if you are a family with children between the ages of five and eighteen who attend public schools. Another reason why parents choose to purchase homes in geographic areas that are close to highly desirable school districts is because during housing downturns, homes in these areas retain their value more than other types of areas. Homes in highly desirable school districts are also closer to better shopping, physicians, and hospitals in many cases across the United States. Convenience is a factor when buying your new home because it will affect the daily life of every member in your family. This is especially true for families with children who attend school. In addition to the normal school day, your home will have to be close enough to attend extracurricular activities that take place after school hours, and to visit friends in the area who also attend the same school. The neighbors who have children attending the same school will be people you interact with on a daily basis, therefore it is a good idea to choose a school that shares your values because the other parents are likely to follow the same mindset. This will lead to the increased possibility that you will find yourself living in a safe, child-friendly neighborhood. Whether it is student diversity, school selection, or some other geographic reason for moving, autumn is the perfect time because it is the start of a brand new school year.

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