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August 26, 2015

Sandlin Homes Landscaping to Sell House Faster

Believe it or not, a bit of work with the hedge shears, a garden trowel, an edger and a spade can go a long way toward adding value to your home. Why would you put a lot of hard work into maintaining the inside of your family’s home but neglect the property surrounding it? A little attention can go a long way when it comes to putting your home on the real estate market. You will not have to spend a lot of money for landscaping services, as most of the tasks you and your family can do on your own. Your goal is to make your home look good enough that when people drive up to the curb, they feel welcomed and drawn in to a friendly environment. Landscaping and the Neighbors More than 80 percent of potential homebuyers agree that the state of the landscaping around a home would influence their decision about purchasing it. This is especially true if there are any outdoor amenities on the property, such as:
  • a swimming pool or a hot tub area
  • an outdoor kitchen and dining space
  • a patio with a fire pit or fireplace
  • retaining walls with built-in seating
Nearly 75 percent confirm that they would rather have neighbors whose yards were well-maintained. They do not want to see perfectly manicured stretches of lawn, but yards that stay mowed to an eye-pleasing height, a lack of weeds, and flower beds that are not out of control with weeds. Landscaping when Buying a Home When it comes to buying your family’s next home, take a good look at the landscaping. When you walk the property surrounding the home, is the area around the front door neat and tidy? Is the yard attractive in regards to the height of the grass and the placement of the flowerbeds? Another thing to consider is the trees. Trees should provide a shady area for outdoor seating. They should be trimmed up not only for a neat appearance, but also to prune away any dead branches or leaves. Depending on their placement, trees can keep utility bills low in the summer because they provide natural shade for your home, which causes the air conditioner to run a little less than it might otherwise. Finally, look at the landscaping and what it means for your future living in that home. The future value of the landscaping not only affects the value of the home and property surrounding it, but also how much work you will need to do, or hire someone else to do, in order to maintain the lawn’s current appearance.

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