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July 1, 2020

Right-Sizing This Summer

Right-sizing gives you the opportunity to decide what you truly wish for in a new home. Lifestyles evolve over time and you may be longing for new features that your old house didn’t live up to. Or maybe the kids have moved out and you’re looking for something a bit more manageable and low-maintenance. Whatever the case, at Sandlin Homes, we’re committed to providing our clients with a home that will fit their needs at any stage of life. 

Make a mental checklist

When you’re deciding whether or not your current house is a good fit, it helps to pause and make a mental list of your home’s pros and cons. Give yourself a quick tour and ask, “what do I like about my house?” “what do I wish I could change?”

Doing this may clarify some things you’ve come to dislike about your home. Maybe it isn’t energy efficient. Maybe trekking your stairs has become a pain. Maybe your kitchen is lacking the features you want.

Since a home is both a mental and financial investment, making sure it suits your lifestyle is vital. If you feel like your house just doesn’t quite “fit you,” it may be time to look for something new. 

Make the most of your space  

Determining the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need is crucial to finding your perfect home; they're the first things listed in most housing ads for a reason.

Whether you're planning on expanding your family or preparing for your kids to leave the nest, your home dynamic will be changing. In many cases, this prompts homeowners to reconsider how many rooms they need. 

Making sure that each family-member has adequate space will take the stress out of day-to-day activities, but too much space may feel like a waste if it isn’t being utilized. No homeowner should feel trapped by a house that doesn’t suit their individual needs.

Win back your freedom

The maintenance and care of an older home can be pricey. Many homeowners find themselves throwing their time and money into home repairs when they could be traveling or experiencing new things. Finding a new home with updated features will free you from that burden, since there will be nothing to work on or replace. Things that could be approaching the end of their life in your old home (like the furnace, AC, or roof) will be new and free of issues. It may be time to find a home that provides you with all of the comfort and security and none of the hassle.

When you right-size your home, you will also be right-sizing your life!


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