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October 16, 2015

Choosing the Best Dallas Fort Worth Neighborhood for Families

When it comes to buying a new home, finding the right property does no good if it is located in the wrong community. A neighborhood is like extended family - they are always around, know what you’re up to, and there when you need them. Living in a bad neighborhood can be like spending every holiday with in-laws who dislike you. If you are moving your family from one Dallas Fort Worth neighborhood to another, then you might have a head start. Overall you should make a list of things you want in a neighborhood, and use that as a kind of checklist once you start house hunting. Before you start looking for a neighborhood, consider the needs of your family, not only now but also in the years to come. Here are some things to ask yourself and your partner before you go out perusing the suburbs of Dallas Fort Worth.
  • Do you plan to have children in the next few years?
  • Do you currently have children who live with you?
  • Are your children young adults ready to start their own lives?
  • Are you retired, or do you plan to retire soon?
  • Do you want to be within walking distance of shops and restaurants?
  • What does your current community lack that you’d like to have?
  • Is being environmentally friendly a priority for you?
  • How far are you willing to commute to your job?
The answers to these questions will determine both the size and the style of your new home as well as the neighborhood where you wish to live. Along with what things you want in your new Dallas Fort Worth neighborhood, think about the things you do not want or are not willing to compromise on, for example, a bar with rowdy late-night patrons or a college frat house. Once you have a few neighborhoods in mind, then it is time to start digging deeper for information about the geographic location, its residents, and the current housing situation, such as how many homes are for sale and how long they have been on the real estate market. Some specific things to look at include:
  • School information
  • Crime stats
  • Parks and sports fields
  • HOA and other neighborhood associations
  • Attractions and events
Now that you’ve done your homework and know some background information about Dallas Fort Worth neighborhoods for families, it is time to start looking. Use a notepad and pen or your mobile phone’s notepad app to take down notes about first impressions and other things you want to remember about each neighborhood. On a final note, ride through the neighborhood at different times of the day and evening. For example, if you only look at it during the weekdays when everyone is at school and work, then you could be in for a big surprise once the weekend rolls around.

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